Thursday, April 30, 2015
Grade Level: Grade 9
Subject: English
Topic: Homer's Iliad
I. Matching type.
Match the descriptions in Column A with the corresponding names in Column B.
Write the letter of your answer on the space before each number. Answers cannot
be repeated. (Rx1)
1. The magnanimous prince of Troy
A. Achilles
2. The wronged husband from Sparta
B. Hector
3. Greatest warrior of the Greeks
C. Helen
4. The face that launched a thousand ships
D. Menelaus
5. The wife stealer from Troy
E. Paris
II. True or False.
Circle T if the statement is TRUE and F if OTHERWISE. (Rx1)
F 1. Sophocles wrote the
epic Iliad.
F 2. Priam was the King
of the City of Troy.
F 3. Achilles killed
F 4. Achilles was killed
by Paris using the sword.
F 5. The Greeks won the
Trojan War because of the Trojan Horse.
III. Stem Option.
Choose the best answer in each item. Write the letter of your answer on the
space before each number. (Rx1)
1. Why did Zeus appoint Paris to judge who
among the three goddesses is the fairest?
A. Because he didn't want to be in a predicament
B. Because he loved the goddesses equally
C. Because he didn't want to be biased
D. Because no one was fair enough for him
Who is the mother of Achilles?
A. Athena
B. Hera
C. Thetis
D. Tetis
3. What did Eris, goddess of mischief, drop at
the feast of the gods?
A. A golden cup
B. A golden apple
C. A golden feather
D. A golden ring
4. What adjective best describes Agamemnon?
A. Strategic
B. Reckless
C. Mad
D. Greedy
5. Why did Patroclus wear Achilles' armor?
A. To rally the Myrmidons
B. To die like a real man
C. To deceive Agamemnon
D. To prove himself to Achilles
6. What did Aphrodite offer Paris as a bribe?
A. The most powerful elixir of youth
B. The strongest army in the world
C. The vastest amount of knowledge
D. The most beautiful woman in the world
7. What did Hera offer Paris as a bribe?
A. The most powerful elixir of youth
B. The strongest army in the world
C. The vastest amount of knowledge
D. The most beautiful woman in the world
8. What did Athena offer Paris as a bribe?
A. The most powerful elixir of youth
B. The strongest army in the world
C. The vastest amount of knowledge
D. The most beautiful woman in the world
9. What killed Achilles?
A. An arrow shot to his heel
B. A deep wound on his neck
C. A spear pierced to his back
D. A crack on his skull
10. Why did Achilles kill and capture the body
of Hector?
A. Because Hector desecrated their temples
B. Because Hector killed Patroclus
C. Because Priam ordered for Peleus' death
D. Because Paris kidnapped Helen of Sparta
Answer key:
Matching type
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. E
True or False
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
Stem Option
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B
Table of Specifications
Number of test Items
Students should be
able to identify the different characters using the descriptions given
Matching Type
1 - 5
Stem Option
Stem option
Students should be
able to distinguish true from erroneous events based on the epic
True or False
2, 3, 4, 5
Students should be
able to state the background information of the epic
True or False
Students should be
able to explain the motives and actions of the characters in the epic
Stem option
1, 5, 10
Students should be
able to identify the items and symbols that the characters used in the epic
Stem Option
3, 6, 7, 8, 9
Total Test Score:
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